Frequently Asked Questions


Can you provide additional details about the perpetual royalty-free license to use this material? Yes - The eBook comes with a single organizational license, applicable to one organization based on its legal name. This perpetual royalty-free license allows the purchaser to edit, recompile, and internally republish the material in this book at a single organization. If the purchaser is a consultant or contractor, working on another organization’s behalf, he/she must buy the license in the name of the client organization, and the license extends to that organization only. If this work is done for multiple organizations, each of which have a different legal name, each is required to obtain a separate license. This means each organization will need to purchase its own separate copy of this book (eBook version only). This organization-specific license to use the material applies only to a registered purchaser’s organization or the purchaser’s client. A registered purchaser is a purchaser who bought the book from the publisher, or from an authorized distributor. Purchasers of used copies of this book, or those who receive unauthorized copies of this book, have no rights to republish parts of this book as in-house documentation in their organizations or elsewhere.

Does the reader need to develop his/her own project management process to write AI risk management policies? No - The new book includes a detailed section which explains, in businesslike layperson’s language, how best to select policies from this book, compile them in an AI risk management policies document, go through an internal review and update process with interested parties, and later get top management approval for these same policies. This same approach, as is defined in the instructions section of the book, is relevant to those organizations which are upgrading their existing AI risk management policies. While the policy-writer is certainly not obligated to use this recommended project management approach -- which is based on the author’s 45+ years of consulting in this area -- he/she can instead simply use the policies provided as a starting point for internal discussions about the upgrades in the approach to AI risk management that might be undertaken.

Does the book provide an AI risk assessment process? No – The book does not provide a risk assessment process, but a risk assessment of AI, specifically about AI at the policy-adopting organization, is a highly-recommended piece of background material that the policy-writer should review prior to writing policies with the material in this book. There are other types of background material, such as the organization’s strategic plan (at least those parts that mention AI), which should also be reviewed to best utilize the material in this book. Other background documents, and other ways to prepare for writing policies (including structured interviews with the important internal players in the area of AI risk management), are explained in the instructions which come along with the book. As explained at the end of this “Frequently Asked Questions” section, the author is also available to provide management consulting and legal services in this same area, and this includes performance of an AI risk assessment for a particular organization.

How does the user navigate through this book, which evidently has a tremendous amount of material in it? The most time-efficient way to proceed, to research, to write, and get approval for AI risk management policies, is to follow the specific instructions which are provided in this book. But multiple navigation mechanisms come along with the book, and those can assist the policy-writer in rapidly converging on the AI-risk-related topics of interest. For example, the entirety of the material, since it comes in eBook format, can be readily searched by keyword. The index of policy titles can also be searched by keyword. The book is laid-out in a format which focuses on the department which is most likely to be impacted by a policy, so the policy-writer is in a position where he/she, by default, obtains the author’s suggestions about which parts of the organization should review certain draft policies. The titles of all policies are provided in an alphabetical index so that the reader can readily locate a policy of interest by using the policy number. There are also references at the bottom of each policy, pointing the policy-writer in the direction of related policies, and those references are via policy title. Policy title is used as the primary key to locate a specific policy. An extensive references list, with over 2000 entries, is also provided, and if the policy-writer wanted more information on a particular topic, he/she can use the Internet links provided in the list of references. Since AI is a very complicated and fast-moving field, it has been necessary that a great deal of research has gone into the writing of this book. The condensed material in this book, and the indexes and navigation tools just mentioned, help the policy-writer to move through this terrain efficiently and effectively.

Can we show some quick wins before we tackle the larger and more complex issues? Yes - With the already-compiled policies that are provided in this book, the policy-writer can quickly get one or two policy statements out there into the organization in question. The two already-written policy compilations provided in this book are an “Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use Policy” and an “Artificial Intelligence Life Cycle Process Policy.” The first of these informs users of AI systems how they must engage with these AI systems, whether the systems be in-house systems or third-party systems. The second of these two draft policy compilations helps to ensure that all AI systems used for business operational purposes meet certain essential requirements (such as compliance with an in-house AI ethics code), before they are released to the marketplace. Each of these already-compiled policies can quickly be edited and adapted to the organization in question, to then be able to demonstrate significant short-term progress. After they have been adapted to the organization in question, reviewed and updated, and approved by top management, then the policy-writer can deal with the more difficult and complicated matters related to the reduction of AI risks. The topics in the latter category include the protocols for exchanging data with other firms. These policies address how specifically such data exchange proposals should be evaluated, so that not only are many new sources of data for AI systems training obtained, but also so that risks are minimized, privacy policies are observed, legal and regulatory requirements are observed, and other important requirements are met.

From what locations are the eBook and hardcopy books sent? The eBook can be downloaded via the Internet from a high-bandwidth data center located in Toronto, Canada, and can then be sent to any location worldwide. The dissemination of this material is not restricted by international regulations or restrictions. Optional hardcopy books are shipped from Nashville, Tennessee, via the United States Postal Service. US hardcopy book orders include FREE postage, shipping, and handling. If international delivery of the hardcopy book is requested, shipping is calculated in the shopping cart based upon destination. If customs duties for the physical book are due at a national border, it is the responsibility of the customer to pay these duties, so that they can then take physical delivery of the hardcopy book. Physical books are printed on 100% recycled paper. These physical books are produced by a printer which is legally recognized as a Certified B-Corporation (a sustainable and community-minded organization).

Is the content produced in the USA or is there foreign-sourced content in the book? The content has been researched and produced entirely in the USA (100% US content), but it is intended for both a domestic American audience, and an international audience. In the book, references made to supporting laws and regulations are most relevant to USA customers, and readers in other English Common Law countries, including Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Scotland, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, and Hong Kong. Nonetheless, the ideas in the book are expressed in a philosophical way so that it is straightforward for policy-writers to reinterpret/modify the ideas in this book, so that they fit within the cultural, legal, and regulatory framework of other countries.

Is the content in this new book produced by a person or by an artificial intelligence system? The content in this new book has been produced entirely by a human being (only Charles Cresson Wood). The author feels strongly that it is ill-advised for any AI system to provide advice and counsel on the ways to control and manage AI systems. To do so would be like asking the “fox to guard the hen house.” Going forward in time, for all subsequent updates, the material in future versions of this book, will be editorially evaluated, and editorially controlled, only by human beings who have a deep perspective about the risks posed by AI. This approach is consistent with one of the AI control strategies described in this book called “human in the loop.”

Will there be regular updates to this book? The author intends to update this book every year, so updates are anticipated and planned. This mention of updates is not a commitment, but the author acknowledges the need for periodic updates, given the fast pace of developments in the AI field. All existing customers will be promptly notified of updates to this book when those updates become available.

Is the author available to help us with the performance of AI risk assessments, related policy writing, presentations to top management, and development of awareness-raising materials? Yes - The author provides management consulting and legal services related to the material in this book. Notably he can be retained to handle certain component parts, or the entire process involving: performing a risk assessment, identifying target audiences, identifying specific requirements to be addressed in a policy document, drafting a policy document, editing a policy document, negotiating policy compromises, presenting to top management in order to obtain their approval, developing training and awareness materials based on an approved policy document, and orchestrating the implementation of policies including developing related procedures. He additionally provides a fast-turnaround draft policy review and comment service, where he reviews the AI risk management policy material compiled by customers, and then provides specific written suggestions and comments. He can be contacted directly through the “Contact Us” page on this website. A brief biography of the author is provided on this website on the page entitled “About the Author.” Perhaps also of interest is the author’s independence from all vendors in the AI space, and that statement can be found on the page of this website entitled “Independence Statement.”


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